Admission Policy For Domestic Applicants

Part A - Domestic Applicants

1. Introduction

(i) This document outlines the process that will be used for selecting meritorious candidates under each category of admission, that is, General, NC-OBC, SC, ST, EWS and PWD, for admission to the Integrated Masters of Business Administration (i-MBA) Program at the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar (IIM Amritsar) for the batch of 2025-2030.

(ii) The terms mentioned in Part A of this document are applicable for Indian citizens.

(iii) The selection process, selection criteria and weights given to various parameters are decided by the Admissions Committee annually. The Admission Committee finalizes the process, fixes these criteria and weights at the beginning of each admission cycle. This is to ensure that the admissions process is objective.

(iv) Candidates are advised to clearly and correctly present their age, caste category and marks related information for standard 10th and 12th. Incorrect presentation of information if found at any stage will be construed as misrepresentation, resulting in the candidate’s application not being considered for the next level in the selection process. IIM Amritsar’s decision in this matter will be final and no further discussion will be entertained with regard to the processing of such an application.

2. Eligibility Criteria

Candidates satisfying the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Five-Year Integrated Programme in Management of IIM Amritsar.

  • (i) Age: Candidate should not be more than 20 years of age as of 1st July 2025.
  • (ii) Qualifying Exam: Candidate should have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2024 or appearing in 2025 with Mathematics / Applied Mathematics as a compulsory paper.
  • (iii) Minimum Percentage (%) of marks: Candidate should have a minimum of 60% in standard X/ SSC (55% for candidates from SC/ST/ PwD category) and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations. 

Version dated December-2024. This document is copyrighted to Indian Institute of Management Amritsar. It may not be reproduced without permission. All information in this document is valid for admission cycle of the i-MBA Program of 2025-2030 batch. No inference can be made from this document about the admissions process that may be followed in future admission cycles. IIM Amritsar reserves the right to change, modify or adopt any new admission process that it deems necessary at any point, subject to the approval of the IIM Amritsar Admissions Committee. Any dispute on Admissions for the various i-MBA Programs of 2025-2030 batch is restricted to the jurisdiction of competent courts within the territorial jurisdiction of the city of Amritsar in the State of Punjab.

  • Note 1: Candidates who are likely to complete standard XII/ HSC or equivalent by June 30, 2025, can also apply, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as mentioned above. If selected, such candidates will be offered admission to the programme on a provisional basis. At the time of registration for the programme, such candidates must produce standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations mark sheet along with a school-leaving certificate/migration certificate, failing which the candidate’s provisional admission offer will stand cancelled.
  • Note 2: Applicants who completed their X and/or XII standard / pursuing their XII standard from international schools affiliated to foreign board’s like IGCSE (International General Certificate for Secondary Education) and IB (International Baccalaureate) can also apply.
  • Note 3: IIM Amritsar reserves the right to decide the eligibility conditions in terms of equivalence, percentage of marks, and the recognition of the qualifying examination, intake etc.
Application Procedure
  1. Step 1: Shortlisting for the admission process of the i-MBA program of IIM Amritsar will be done on the basis of the IPM-AT 2025 test conducted by IIM-Indore. Candidates should, therefore, begin their application process by applying for the IPM-AT 2025 test. Details of the test, including test fee, test centres, test admit cards, and schedule will be available at
  2. Step 2: Candidates should then submit their application for the i-MBA program of IIM Amritsar online at within the stipulated time and pay the online non-refundable/non-transferable application fee. Candidates will be required to enter their IPM-AT 2025 registration number in their online application form at Note that applications will not be considered without a valid IPM-AT 2025 registration number. Candidates belonging to NC-OBC, SC, ST, and PwD categories need to produce valid Caste certificate(s) in support of their reservation category, and candidates belonging to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) need to produce a valid document ascertaining the eligibility of the candidate to apply under the EWS category. For the purpose of being considered for reservations, the applicable Central Government list as on the last date of IPM-AT 2025 registration shall be binding. No subsequent changes will be effective for IPM-AT 2025 and any subsequent selection process of the IIMs. For an updated central list of state-wise OBCs eligible for availing of the benefit of reservation and information in respect of the creamy layer, visit the website No change in the category will be entertained once the application is submitted.
  3. Step 3: Candidates should then appear for the IPM-AT 2025 test conducted by IIM-Indore. Shortlisting for the admission process of the i-MBA program of IIM Amritsar will be done on the basis of IPM-AT 2025 test scores.
Selection Procedure

Stage 1:

Only those candidates who meet all the following criteria will comprise the pool of candidates to be considered for shortlisting from Stage 2 onwards:

  • (a) Meet the eligibility criteria for the i-MBA program
  • (b) Have submitted an application complete in all respects including the applicable application fee.
  • (c) Have appeared for the IPM-AT 2025 conducted by IIM-Indore and have submitted their registration numbers to IIM-Amritsar within the stipulated time
  • (d) Have obtained a positive (non-zero) score in each of the components of the IPM-AT 2025

Stage 2:

Candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interview (PI) from the eligible pool on the basis of the Aptitude Test Score (ATS). The minimum ATS cut off based on the categories of applicants (General, EWS, NC-OBC, SC, ST and PwD) will be decided by the Admissions Committee. The ATS will be calculated using individual components of IPM-AT 2025 scores by using the formulae in Table-1A:

Table-1A: Computation of Aptitude Test Score (ATS)
Component Score (Weight)
Score in Quantitative Ability (MCQ) Section {(Candidate' s score-Minimum score)  / x 30
(Maximum score-Minimum score)}
Score in Quantitative Ability (SA) Section {(Candidate' s score-Minimum score) /  x 30
(Maximum score-Minimum score)}
Score in Verbal Ability (MCQ) Section {(Candidate' s score-Minimum score) /  x 40
(Maximum score-Minimum score)}
ATS Sum of the above


Note: Maximum and Minimum scores are the highest and lowest scores obtained in respective sections by the candidates from the eligible pool of candidates applying to IIM Amritsar.

Individual regret letters will not be sent to applicants who are rejected at this stage.

Stage 3:

Shortlisted candidates based on the ATS score shall appear for the Personal Interview. IIM Amritsar also expects a consistent and minimum performance in the different parameters of Personal Interview, including academic profile, communication skills, general awareness, and extra-curricular activities.

Stage 4:

Category wise merit list will be generated based on Composite Score (CS) and provisional admission offers will be made accordingly adhering to the Government of India reservation norms. The CS will be calculated as given in the Table-2A below:

Table-2A: Computation of Composite Score (CS)
Component Weight
ATS 70%
PI Score 35%
Gender Diversity 5%
Composite Score (CS) Weighted sum of above scores

As per Government of India requirement, 27% of the seats are reserved for Other Backward Classes candidates belonging to the “Non-Creamy” layer (NC-OBC), 15% for Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5% for Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates, up to 10% for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) and 5% for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwD).

As defined in The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act 2016), “person with benchmark disability” means a person with not less than forty percent (40%) of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority. “specified disability” means the disabilities as specified in the Schedule of the RPwD Act 2016.

The categories of disability are:

  • blindness and low vision,
  • deaf and hard of hearing,
  • locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy,
  • autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness,
  • multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d), and
  • other 'specified disabilities' mentioned in 'The Schedule' of the RPwD Act 2016.

For the purpose of being considered for reservations, the applicable Central Government list as on the last date of IPM-AT 2025 registration shall be binding and the candidates are required to submit the valid documents signed by the competent authority to ascertain the eligibility status to apply under the reserved category (NC-OBC/SC/ST/EWSs/ PwD). No subsequent changes will be effective for IPM-AT 2025 and any subsequent selection process of IIM Amritsar.

The candidates belonging to categories for which seats are reserved need to note and read carefully the eligibility requirements before applying. It should be noted that while it is the endeavour of IIM Amritsar that the candidates belonging to NC-OBC/SC/ST/EWS/ PwD categories join the programme in proportions mandated by the law, they have to meet the eligibility criteria and a certain minimum level of performance to be considered for the admission process.

6. Additional Notes

Candidates attempting to apply with minor changes of information and/or facts to more than one and/or multiple applications will be summarily rejected and such candidates will be debarred from the further selection process.

Part B - International Applicants

1. Introduction

(i) This document outlines the process that will be used for selecting meritorious candidates in the International Applicants category, for admission to the Integrated Masters of Business Administration (i-MBA) Program at the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar (IIM Amritsar) for the batch of 2025-2030.

(ii) IIM Amritsar has earmarked a total of 5 Seats for the International/ Foreign applicants under the provision of the Supernumerary Quota (this will be separate from the regular intake of the IPM program).

(iii) The selection process, selection criteria and weights given to various parameters are decided by the Admissions Committee annually. The Admission Committee finalizes the process, fixes these criteria and weights at the beginning of each admission cycle. This is to ensure that the admissions process is objective.

(iv) Candidates are advised to clearly and correctly present their age, caste category and marks related information for standard 10th and 12th. Incorrect presentation of information will be construed as misrepresentation, resulting in the candidate’s application not being considered for the next level in the selection process. IIM Amritsar’s decision in this matter will be final and no further discussion will be entertained with regard to the processing of such an application.

2. Eligibility Criteria

Candidates satisfying the following criteria are eligible to apply for the Five-Year Integrated Programme in Management of IIM Amritsar:

  • (i) Only Non-Indian passport holders will be considered as ‘International Applicants’ for admission to the Integrated Master of Business Administration (i-MBA) program of IIM Amritsar in 2025-2030 batch.
  • (ii) Age: Candidate should not be more than 20 years of age as of 1st July 2025.
  • (iii) Qualifying Exam: Candidate should have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2024 or appearing in 2025.
  • (iv) Minimum Percentage (%) of marks: Candidate should have a minimum of 60% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations.
  • (v) Valid SAT Score: Minimum score of 1300 out of 1600 in SAT (SAT score obtained during June 01, 2024, to June 01, 2025, will only be considered as valid score).

Note 1:

Candidates who are likely to complete standard XII/ HSC or equivalent by June 30, 2025, can also apply, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as mentioned above. If selected, such candidates will be admitted to the programme provisionally. At the time of registration for the programme, such candidate must have to produce standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations mark sheet (securing minimum marks, as indicated above) along with a school-leaving certificate/migration certificate, failing which the candidate’s provisional admission offer will stand cancelled.

3. Application Procedure

Eligible candidates seeking admission to the five-year IPM of IIM Amritsar can take SAT in the country of their residence. The candidates should submit their application online at within the stipulated period along with the SAT score and pay the online non-refundable/non-transferable application fee.

4. Selection Procedure

Stage 1:

Only those candidates who meet all the eligibility criteria and have submitted their application complete in all aspects before the due date will comprise the pool of candidates to be considered for shortlisting from Stage 2 onwards.

Stage 2:

Candidates will be shortlisted for Personal Interview (PI) from the eligible pool on the basis of their SAT score. The minimum SAT cut off score will be decided by the Admissions Committee. Individual regret letters will not be sent to applicants who are rejected at this stage.

Stage 3:

Shortlisted candidates based on the SAT score shall appear for the Personal Interview in online mode. IIM Amritsar also expects a consistent and minimum performance in the different parameters of the Personal Interview, including academic profile, communication skills, general awareness, and extra-curricular activities.

Stage 4:

Merit list will be generated based on Composite Score (CS) and provisional admission offers will be made accordingly. The CS will be calculated as given in the Table-1B below:

Table-1B: Computation of Composite Score (CS)
Component Weight
SAT Score* 70%
PI Score 35%
Gender Diversity 5%
Composite Score (CS) Weighted sum of above scores

* SAT score converted to a percentage of the maximum possible SAT score. 


Additional Notes


  • If an international applicant is selected for admission to the Programme, it will be the sole responsibility of the applicant to obtain and submit all the requisite clearance certificates from the Government of India, such as "No Objection Certificate" from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, etc. (as applicable) at the time of joining the Programme.
  • Candidates attempting to apply with minor changes of information and/or facts to more than one and/or multiple applications will be summarily rejected and such candidates will be debarred from further selection process.