Director's Message

Dr. Nagarajan Ramamoorthy

Greetings! I welcome you to IIM Amritsar.  The fifteenth IIM set up by the Government of India in the Holy City of Amritsar, Punjab, is entering into the 10th year of operations.  During the short span of our existence, the institute has had an impact on the region and the nation. From admitting the first batch of 44 students in the year 2015, the institute has grown to nearly seven-hundred-twenty-five students in the various programs.   With a diverse student body comprising of students from nearly 24 states and all walks of the society including the under-privileged and economically weaker segments, faculty and staff from various states, the institute is truly reflective of the rich diversity of the nation and our culture.

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Academics at IIM Amritsar

Collaborative Programmes

MSDSM Programme

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in “Data Science and Management” is a full-time two-yearresidential program that is jointly offered by the Indian Institute of ManagementAmritsar and the Indian Institute of Technology Ropar.

Executive Education Programmes

Management Development Programmes
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Executive Program Hours


Recruiters and Corporate Stakeholders

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